Free stock photos for your projects

Just a go-to blog post (for myself really) when on the lookout for free stock photos (that don’t suck) for your web design projects, print needs et al. A lot of good and excellent sites for you to pick exceptionnally-pro-looking pics from… Here we go. The ones I’ve used from the start: Death to the Stock Photo Unsplash especially since Arthur Weill released a little search engine for Unsplash. …and the rest of them, in alphabetical order:

Error installing jekyll: Failed to build gem native extension

Though I would post this one since I did experience a few issues attempting to install jekyll, including this “Failed to build gem native extension” annoying error. Right, so you have it all installed. So you think. As advised on the jekyll site, you’ve done your: sudo gem update --system Xcode and its command line tools are in there, but you still get an error while running: sudo gem install jekyll something like:

Why Jekyll?

I’ve got it easy on that one. Site is brand new, hence built from scratch, with absolutely no data to migrate/integrate. Picking a technology like Jekyll to build and run this new personal pad was therefore an easy choice to make. I’ve been using Wordpress (most times) and Perch (a few times) to create most of my personal/client/others’ websites, and despite having nagged a few times about performance or bloated code, it was most of the time down to me.

Responsive Images Meetup: Coming together is a beginning

Last time I talked about responsive images, I did mention I was due to go to the responsive images meetup in Paris, and as the long-awaited event happened a couple of days ago, I thought it would be nice to write a quick recap for the folks unable to make it. SIDE NOTE Before we get to the the nitty gritty, let me start this blog post with a quick line on the venue.

Add a neat little breakpoint snippet to your Sublime

Let’s get Sassy today with this little yet very useful Sublime Text 2 breakpoint snippet handmade by James Nowland and obviously editable as you wish. If, like me, you code a lot of responsive sites, chances are that you work with Sass and end up putting half a million @include breakpoint lines, working your site’s scss the modular way… as you do. Well, this little snippet will surely reduce your work, by allowing you to tabTrigger mq (or whatever you wanna call it) into the full @include breakpoint desired code lines.

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