Why Hugo?

Quick post to mention I switched my blog from Jekyll to Hugo.

Jekyll has been THE most popular static site generator since its creation back in 2008, and I naturally opted for it back in July 2015, as I was leaving Wordpress.

Back then, getting my hands into Jekyll had not been that easy, but using it past the installation phase had been a joy.

I was however keen to try Hugo, having heard a lot of good things about it, especially since it was branded as the world’s fastest framework for building websites.

Anyway, I tried it on a test project, and I have to admit setting it up is way more straightforward than Jekyll. Configuring and building the site is not very different from the workflow I used with Jekyll.

I was convinced enough to make the leap and migrate my blog to Hugo. I doubt Hugo is as powerful as Jekyll, but it has all the things my minimalistic blog needs, especially the lighting speed it deserves.